Attention: LLS Innovations, Inc. is currently looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute the "Shopper's Carry Ease" under a licensing agreement.

Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the "Shopper's Carry Ease."

The Shopper's Carry Ease can provide plastic shopping bags with
a greatly-needed improvement.

  • They're lightweight yet durable. They weigh only four grams each, but can support up to 17 pounds of content. They take less room to store, cost less to make, and are even more environmentally sound than their paper-bag counterparts. Plastic shopping bags that are a staple in American shopping places are convenient for stores and consumers alike.
  • They're limiting at the same time, however, and because of difficulty in carrying them when they're filled. You don't support them from underneath, like consumers did with paper bags; instead, plastic shopping bags are supported from above by their included handles.
  • While those handles are convenient, that same lightweight-yet-durable material squeezes about the hands and fingers that are holding its 17 pounds of content, and that's where the trouble starts.
  • The durable plastic constricts to a thin strip that tightly binds the hands and fingers, creating sharp pain in the palm and/or fingers. This restricts blood flow to those same areas causing them to swell and go numb, followed by pain when the bags are finally released and the circulation gets restored with a rush. If carried for a long time or with high frequency, they can even create permanent damage – swelling in the hands and digits that can take days to subside, thrombosis, and intimal damage to the walls of veins within the fingers.
  • The Shopper's Carry Ease can eliminate these problems associated with plastic shopping bags. It supports plastic bags on its own structure, which the user can then comfortably carry.
  • The Shopper's Carry Ease lets its bags still be carried by hand, but without having direct constrictive contact upon the hand and fingers, thus ensuring those bags can be conveniently carried with no negative repercussion.

These benefits of the Shopper's Carry Ease can help consumers regain confidence in plastic shopping bags.

  • Despite their efficiency and practicality, plastic shopping bags had developed a bad rap not too long ago. They're not recyclable, some environmentally-conscious consumers claimed. They're the most common format of litter, they said. They're not reusable, they swore. They destroy the environment overall, they professed, and while clamoring for paper bags instead.
  • However, more and more people are learning those claims made against plastic shopping bags are completely wrong. They are recyclable, many know today, as 30 percent more consumers are now doing just that in comparison to just 10 years ago. The claims that plastic bags were a common form of litter were proven wrong, too.
  • Plastic bags are also much more protective of the environment than paper bags. Paper bags weigh 10 times more than plastic ones, use up to 10 times the fuel to transport, and take twice as much energy to produce. In their manufacturing, paper bags create 70 percent more air pollution than plastic bag production does, and they make 50 times more water pollutants in the process. Many plastic shopping bags used today are biodegradable, too, made of cornstarch, soy and other plant-based materials.
  • Sure, for awhile some promoted the reusable shopping bags that many stores sold, but what are those types of bags made of? Plastic. That's right – polyester and polypropylene, to be specific.
  • To top it off, ordinary plastic shopping bags are already reusable, as a majority of American consumers know. In fact, 65 percent of U.S. households reuse those same bags for other purposes, ranging from trash disposal to knick-knack storage to lunch bags. When consumers stop reusing their plastic bags they only take up less than one-half of one percent of the space at landfills.
  • So with all these now-known facts about how much more environmentally-sound these plastic bags are, what can be done to give American consumers the final nudge to openly accept them? Make them easier to carry. Take away the one last negative feature those plastic bags have, and consumers will fully appreciate them, even more than ever before.

A Preliminary Marketing Report is Available upon Request.